Europe’s largest wholesale platform for used cars is Europe’s largest wholesale platform for used cars. More than 60,000 partner dealers in over 30 countries actively digitize their used car business with technologies and services.
Buyers have access to a cross-brand inventory of over 30,000 inspected used cars. Sellers, including dealers, manufacturers, leasing, and rental car companies, have the opportunity to market vehicles digitally to the dealer network.
Our Europe-wide logistics network with more than 300 logistics partners enables fast international trading at competitive prices. All services are available to our partners 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without hidden fees, or minimum purchase or sell requirements.

Business operations in 30+ countries

60,000+ active partner dealers

615.300+ cars sold in 2024

Attractive purchasing conditions for partner dealers

Diversification and risk management are essential factors in the professional trading of used cars. Operating on a local level and the lack of a broad assortment of used cars belong to the most common challenges of the used car industry.

Only a diversified portfolio strategy enables high throughput and higher contribution margins. With as a reliable sourcing channel, partner dealers can actively manage their vehicle inventory, ensuring long-term competitiveness and success in the used car business.

For the digital B2B acquisition, a cross-brand inventory of over 30,000 vehicles is available to all retailers at market-based purchasing conditions, which is supplemented daily by over 3,000 new additions.

Registered dealers across Europe have the opportunity to purchase tested and fully documented used cars directly online from with just a few clicks or via the App - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

With as a reliable sourcing channel, partner dealers can actively manage their vehicle inventory, ensuring long-term competitiveness and success in the used car business.

Remarketing partners sell cars 100% digital, fast and easy

Additionally, our Remarketing partners can sell cars B2B digitally without any risk to a network of over 60,000 dealers across Europe via Remarketing.

Tailored Full-Service-Remarketing ranges from evaluation to marketing and offers dealers, leasing and rental companies, fleet operators, and manufacturers an innovative and efficient and digital remarketing solution along the value chain.

Together with dealers implement data-driven used car management. Especially for trade-ins, third-party brands, leasing returns, or damaged cars dealers need to make fast usage decisions to a stronger focus on their private customers and eventually sell more cars.

Inappropriate cars can thus be quickly evaluated, priced, and sold Europe-wide via our website and apps with just a few clicks.

Through the simple AUTO1 EVA App, all data relevant to the evaluation process can be easily collected within 15 minutes by the seller.


Europe’s leading digital platform for buying and selling used cars online.

  • 6.3 billion Euros in 2024
  • More than 30 countries was founded in 2013 and is part of AUTO1 Group SE, Europe’s leading digital platform for buying and selling used cars online. AUTO1 Group SE, headquartered in Berlin, is active in more than 30 countries and achieved revenues of 6.5 billion Euros in 2022.

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